Monday, July 16, 2012

The Certainty of Knitting

Art by Robert Tageant

Life is full of surprises, unexpected news, and outcomes that were never anticipated. Just last week I brought my car to have it's routine oil change done before I left out of town to visit a friend. While it was being serviced, I got a phone call that it needed some other work done... $800.00 worth of work in fact! That's a lot of money to shell out without much notice. It threw me into a stressed-out tizzy of crazy. I survived and the world moved on (thanks a ton to my very patient and clear head husband - God I love him!) but my point is life is full of things like that. Everyone I know has had something similar happen to them in some shape, form or fashion - you can prepare all you want but life is not a math equation. A+B does NOT = C when it comes to the real world and you never know what is around the corner.

This is one of the reasons I love the sh*t (excuse my French) out of knitting. Knitting is a huge math equation and no matter how many times you do a certain stitch pattern - if done correctly - it always turns out the same. Knit 2 then purl 2 until you run out of stitches ALWAYS gives me a nice ribbed piece of art. It has no variables, it has no maybes, it is certain and something that I can always depend on unlike life. When things are going crazy and spinning wildly out of control, I can always pick up my knitting needles and rely on them to do exactly what I want and expect them to. Thank goodness for the certainty of knitting – without it I would be one scary lady some days! 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Treasury Tuesday ~ Give me the Green Light

This week's Treasury Tuesday we're going green baby! I love me some quirky lighting and these up cycled pieces do the trick. Just as soon as my husband and I get out of our apartment and into our home in a few months I'll be ALL over this. You won't believe what some of these things are made of... I especially love the ones that look like little frilly skirts. SO need that in my office. Enjoy and buy small business/handmade!

'Give me the Green Light' by Innov8iveKnits

All of these lights are GREEN, not necessarily the color but the better green. The up cycled kind.

Ella - Plastic Bottle Chande...

Pretty Pastels Mason Jar Cha...

Chandelier Upcycled, Recycle...

Chicken Feeder Lights Vintag...


Peacock- Upcycled- Vintage D...

Handmade Upcycled Vintage Bo...

Upcycled light from vintage ...

One of a Kind Galaxy Lamp - ...

KOZO 10 upcycled shelf lamp ...

Upcycled Vintage GIANT Penci...

Retro triangle lamp. Art Dec...

Upcycled art lamp made from ...

re-purposed basket, recycled...

Up-Cycled Minolta Vintage Ca...

Homemade upcycled atomic car...

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Meeting Little Gavin!

Gavin taking a hard core nap!

This weekend I FINALLY got to meet my best friend’s newborn son and man is he a handsome little thing! At a fresh 3 weeks this little man looked and was as strong as a 3 MONTH old. My husband and I were both so thrilled to get the chance to meet him for the first time and had a blast hanging with him for a few days. Plus it doesn’t hurt they live a good three hours from home so a little out of town time away was a great little vacation for us.

Blair and I driving to Auburn!

 It has become a tradition for me to make a blanket for all of my close friends' children - which seem to be more and more frequent there must be something in the water. A few months back when I started Gavin’s, I did a post on it’s beginning stages (to see it click HERE). I haven’t said much else about it due to the fact his mommy wanted to see the finished product as a surprise so it’s been top secret for a bit.

Here it is in all its glory! I used a stitch pattern called entrelac that creates a series of blocks in the colors Mom picked out for him. Since this type of stitch has a front side and back side (not reversible) I chose a cotton fabric backing of brown monkeys to back it complete with a brown bias tape border! I’m not an expert seamstress but I must say I’m pretty pleased with how the sewing portion turned out too. It’s machine washable so safe for real use – spit up and all! I have secret (well not so secret anymore) hopes that this turns out to be the one blankie he eventually carries everywhere until he’s grown… we’ll see (fingers crossed).

Can't you see how much he loves it?!?!

thinkin' hard

 Special thanks to Erica and Brandon for letting me share their handsome son here on the site! Love you guys!

Blue Steel Face!

Designed with love by BDD