Friday, April 12, 2013

Farewell... Well Kinda

Well I have some pretty exciting news to share with everyone. As many of you have probably noticed, the store has been closed and the blogging has ceased for a couple weeks.. ahem months now. This is because I'm turning a new leaf! While on Christmas vacation, I realized that I wanted to be able to give more financially to my family and that I missed knitting up things for myself and for pleasure. As a result of those thoughts I've decided that going back to school is the right choice for me. So with that I am officially closing shop and Innov8ive Knits will be no more.

Surprisingly I'm not that heartbroken over it but relieved, and confident that my new life choices are the right ones. Back to school for what you say? Massage therapy!

After deciding to go back to school and close up shop, one thing that I knew I would miss was keeping up a blog and sharing all of my experiences with ya'll! That's why I've decided to open up my own personal blog & website at (unique name right?). There you'll be able to see a blend of photography, knittery, fitness, and life! The IK blog won't be up much longer, so if you want to keep up with all the adventures you can subscribe to the new blog HERE.

I'm so excited to get started with my new life and career, and hope that you will hop on over to the new website and follow the fun! See you there.


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