Saturday, February 18, 2012

Recent Featured Treasuries

This last month I have been included in a couple of treasuries and I am so flattered and excited about it! For those of you who aren't Etsy freaks like me and don't know what a treasury is here's the gist of it: ANYONE that is a member of Etsy can make a treasury (sellers or buyers). How it works is you pick a theme ~ any theme your heart desires (I always find this to be one of the most fun parts) and you choose  Etsy items -up to 16- to put in it. The things you choose are totally up to you but it's things that in your opinion are a good value, a beautiful product, and/or has great photography. So as you can imagine every time someone considers my work good enough to include in their treasury it I'm very flattered. 

Treasuries are a great way to help others discover products they would have never come across before and to help you keep track of things that you really like. As a goal this year I am trying to make at least 1 a week to spread the love and help all of you keep your thumb on the pulse of some great Etsy products. Ever since I have started my store, supporting small business, hand made, local, etc. business has been a huge deal to me. No one wants to see Wal-Mart run the world one day (as if they don't already) So try to keep these in mind when you go gifting next time.

Here are a couple of treasuries I have been featured in within the last 30 days!!

Treasury: Purple Rain, Purple Rain (click me)

Treasury: Waves of Color (click me)

Treasury: Is Elegance an Attitude? (click me)

Treasury: Cranberry Chocolate (click me)

I hope as well as sharing my excitement about having so many features that you have found a couple of other items that I've been featured with you want to add to your favorites.  I encourage all of you to make a treasury some time soon! If you do please share them with me, I would love to see them!!!


  1. I love seeing all the different color combinations people come up with for treasuries! Congrats on the features :)

    1. Thanks! Me too, I really enjoy seeing the combos. People can really get creative with this stuff!

  2. That Purple Rain Treasury is just beautiful!
    One of my favorite listings in your shop is the beard. So fun!
    from Blogging Buddies
    P.S. Thanks for answering my team poll question today. I appreciate it. =)

    1. The bearded beanie is so much fun to make and photograph too. I giggle the whole time.


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