Sunday, February 12, 2012

Picture Sunday

Ok well I know I said that I was going to spend today taking pictures and learning to apply the new things I've learned in my photography class. It hasn't been cold at all here in Alabama all year and of course today of all days I wake up and it's basically under 40 degrees and windy as I'll get out ALL day! It's beautiful and sunny but I sure as heck don't have the urge to get a nasty cold a month out before my wedding. Needless to say, as tempting as it is I know I would be miserable out there in the cold so I'll have to post pone that to another day and spend the afternoon knitting instead (no complaints there). I did however do one of the class assignment because it requires me to be inside :)

The object of this assignment is all about lighting. Be inside a room, position your object/model near a window with the light raining in and capture the highlighting of the light on one side right next to the darkness on the other.  I've seen a lot of pictures done this way and it looks really neat when done right. Here's mine: 

In all of these if you can't already tell the light is coming in from the left (that's where the window is).  Usually at this point I would load them up into photoshop and mess around with the brightness and other settings but since this is for a photography class, I figure I should leave it alone so I can be shown where to most make my improvements from my un-altered images. 

On the other hand I did want to share with you a few blogs that I have recently been turned onto while learning more about photography, and even more so photoshop. I'm a little more handy with that program then I am with a camera (although I am by no means a pro at either). I have another blog I want to share with you, but I'll bust that out another time - Keep you on your toes!

The first blog I want to mention is The Coffee Shop Blog. She posts free photography tutorials, free actions for photoshop, and free scrapbooking designs. Did I mention it's all FREE. I have downloaded a few of her actions and used them myself and they are really great. All of the files come with the action and/or scrapbook design along with instructions on how to use them. This blog makes it almost impossible to screw it up- VERY user friendly and FREE. Did I mention it's FREE??  It is definitely worth checking out! Here's a link to a page of the site where all of the free goodies that they've ever posted are available- there's a ton of great stuff: The Coffee Shop Blog Freebies.

I hope you guys enjoy! Time to go spend the rest of my afternoon knitting.


  1. Love the shots of the sleeping dog- great close ups

    1. Thank you! Romeo (the dog) has a very expressive face.. that is when he's not half asleep.

  2. Nicely done! Thank you so much for the blog tip as well!

    1. Thanks. I absolutely love this blog! I think you will really enjoy reading it and using the free actions.

  3. I'm awarding you a Versatile Blogger Award:

    To pay it forward, create a post mentioning the award. Include 7 factoids about yourself in the post. Then list 15 blogs you'll bestow with a Versatile Blogger Award.

    Stitch Silly

  4. Lovely photos! Your dog is a cutie!

  5. Great photos! They're all very nice. I'm going to have to try your tips and see if I can take some pics as good as yours. =)
    from Blogging Buddies

  6. Great photos! I love your subjects especially your cute furbaby!

  7. Oh I'm so flattered all of you guys enjoyed my photos. My little fur baby is spoiled rotten if you couldn't already tell. I can't wait to take more pics and share them with all of you.


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