Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Home Sweet Home

Our first house!!!
Easier than said than done, we have finally moved into our new home! Man has it been a rough and crazy adventure. I don’t know if everyone else has so many problems come up in a move but our list was just out of this world! Being newlyweds I can certainly say that a move is a test of a relationship. I’m pleased to say though, that I think we did pretty darn good considering the circumstances.

Did I mention we used to live on the THIRD floor of an apartment… like 3 flights of stairs? Oh yeah and we had a loft so make that FOUR flights of stairs we moved from. I will probably have nightmares for years about going up and down and up and down and up and down…(I think you get the point) flights of stairs!!! My legs were on fire after the 2nd day of moving. That covered my workouts for the week for sure!

Another “fun” adventure was that with my husband had an unexpected trip out of town days before the move (gee thanks Isaac) and forgot to have our water & power switched to the new place. So a day before we moved we called to have it taken care of and no one could do anything over the Labor Day holiday weekend. We moved and lived in a home with no water or power for a couple of days, then when the power came on we learned the AC was broken and had to have someone come repair it!!! Oh my goodness I could have slapped someone.
Shadow of our house onto out gorgeous back yard

I must say now that all is said and done and everything is starting to get back to normal (whatever the heck that is), we are so glad to be in a larger space. We keep trying to talk to each other from another room like we did in our apartment and now the space is so large we can’t hear each other.  It makes for some pretty funny conversations. It’s definitely going to have to take some getting used to – in a good way of course. And my two sweet babies finally have a yard to run around in. They are just as happy to finally have some space as we are!

Now I get to have a whole closet full of yarn, an office far far away from the TV and my husband yelling at football games, and a spare bedroom for our out of town family to come visit that will second for my photography studio!


  1. Beautiful...I love brick homes! And your backyard is amazing! My poor Harley has to stay on a leash (when he's outside) since we don't have a fenced in yard.
    We once lived in an upstairs apartment, so I can feel your pain! I'm glad you're all moved in and can start enjoying your new home :)

    1. Thanks! Technically we aren't fenced in but all 3 of our neighbors have a fence so we're only missing fence for like 6 feet on each side connecting to the house. Our dogs are for the most part mindful enough we don't have to worry about them bolting off as long as we're watching them. I think my favorite thing about having a house is having a yard... and my own office :)

  2. WOW - that sounds like a nightmare - I'm glad the bad part is over for you. The house & yard looks lovely. I'm stopping by from "Blogging Buddies".

  3. Beautiful house! I'm glad you can now enjoy homeownership!

  4. It's so charming! I love the bay window and your yard is MASSIVE! We recently moved into our first home, too (from a 3rd floor apartment!) and yeah, it was kind of rocky getting everything worked out. But so worth the trouble to be here!

    1. Oh goodness bless you, I will never live on the 3rd floor of an apartment again! LOL It's definitely worth the trouble now that we are settled. I love our yard. Now that fall is kinda here and it's tolerable to be out in the southern heat I spend most of my mornings on the back porch sipping my coffee and knitting.

  5. What a gorgeous space, and a beautiful yard! Glad all of that ordeal is over, but I'm sure it was worth it in the long run!!


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