Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Coolest, Tastiest, Naturalist, Bestest Vanilla Coffee Creamer Recipe of All Time

Yummy Coffee In my honeymoon Coffee Cup
About a month ago I came across a pin on Pinterest that really sparked my happy juices. It was a recipe for home made creamer. My husband and & go through creamer like a fat kid goes through cake. We were buying one of those ginormo “coffee lover” sized creamers from the grocery store just about every week.

This recipe is about a fraction of the cost and oh yeah, it’s ALL NATURAL. Before I saw this recipe and the post to it, I had never taken the time to read the ingredients in the store bought creamer. Let me tell you, half that garbage I can’t pronounce never less have a clue what the heck it is!

So I tried the recipe… no offense to whoever made it but personally my husband & I found it awful- -bleh. So I Googled and blogged and searched for more recipes to perfect it. Then tried and tried and tried again until I came up with this one. It’s simple, natural, and oh so tasty – at least I think so… and half the people at my husband’s work think so too (he brought some to share). So I feel it’s safe to share with you lovelies at this point! Here it is ladies & gents:

Whopping amount of ingredients

The coolest, tastiest, naturalist, bestest vanilla coffee creamer recipe of all time! (yep that’s what I’m gonna call it)

• 1 14oz can of sweetened condensed milk
• 1 ½ - 2 cups of half & half milk
• 1 tbsp of REAL vanilla extract (I guess you could use the imitation extract but I think the real has a better taste)

Making a double batch here, one just doesn't last us a whole week

•In a small saucepan combine the can of condensed milk & the half & half over low/medium heat until fully mixed and warm. Do not bring to a boil. (I have no idea why, but just about all the recipes I read specifically said this – it may change the texture/behavior of the mixture)
•Add vanilla Extract
• Let cool, pour it into something fun to store it in, keep in fridge. 

Dang that was easy, right?

Note: I said 1 ½- 2 cups of half & half - the variation is simply for taste. The less you use, the sweeter your creamer will be. Anywhere in that range in my opinion gives the best taste but I usually tend to sway to the 1 ½ cup side myself.


  1. YUM! I love creamer in my coffee as a nice treat now and then :) And I love that this only requires three ingredients...that's my kind of recipe :)

    1. I know right! I love simple things. I have enough complex going on... like changing my business license address because we got a new house!!! I don't know why they make it so hard to change this stuff I swear!

  2. I'm definitely going to have to try this!! Thanks for sharing!

  3. You're so resourceful. Thanks for sharing this recipe. It's always good to make things from scratch. I was just wondering how long will this keep in the fridge?

    1. To be honest Katrina, I'm not 100% certain. Creamer doesn't last very long in my house so that's not a problem here. I would imagine though it would last as long as printed expiration date on the half & half or up to 7 days after making because most milks say "best if used within 7 days of opening". I hope that helps.

  4. sounds tasty indeed! love vanilla :) hi sweetie, here I am right from Etsy into your blog. love the design and the posts. so sweet of you to post treasures here. I'm still learning how to do them. find hard to search for items I like. I'm more into photography, lol :) wishing you a beautiful weekend. since you don't have GFC, I'm following your blog by email ;) xxo

    1. Thanks Ana for stopping by. So glad to have you as a new follower! If you need help making treasuries let me know. I spend a pretty good amount of time searching for these myself because there's a lot to muddle through. You can specifically search JUST photography if you like by the categories on the far left side of the search :)

  5. I have to try this. My hubby and I go through a lot of what we like to refer to as "coffee stuff." Can't wait!


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