Thursday, August 4, 2011

Order Up! (And photoshoot too!)

When I actually have time (between the day job, dogs, cooking dinner, planning a wedding, and sleeping when necessary) to work on projects and promote my new business, things are really starting to pick up! I have taken my 2nd, 3rd, and 4th custom orders as well as getting a couple of interested prospects. (just because 2 of the orders are from the same person doesn't mean it's not it's own order :-D ).  If things keep up the way they have I will have to start actually writing these down just to stay on track. I can't explain the pride and sheer flattery that come along with someone other than myself saying that they think my work is valuable. I would have never imagined that Innov8ive Knits would have done as well as it has, even on the small scale that it is on.

In addition to the mild success I have had lately, I invested in a good photographing camera. A new camera has been placed into our wedding budget by my fiance and I for our honeymoon and other important things that come after a wedding. We didn't plan on getting a camera until much closer to the date (March 12th) until I really decided to follow my heart and open Innov8ive Knits. With so much of the business being web based via Etsy and Facebook it has occurred to me that my work is no better than the pictures I can take of them to share with the world. So we went ahead and splurged and man am I pleased! We invested in a Nikon D3100 and it has so many buttons I hardly know what to do with myself but man this thing is great! I am really starting to get the chance to give my art the justice it deserves. Here are some photographs from my first shoot on the dino-hawk hat!

This on is my favorite

I also finished another newborn cable hat today in green, that will go up as a Facebook exclusive sale before it hits Etsy in the grand opening. This weekend I am starting on one of the custom orders to hopefully have it done just in time for baby! It was a special customer request per a pattern found on Etsy. I will post pictures of that soon.

It is so exciting to watch things bloom. I can't wait to see  what happens next.


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